DNAproximity Teaches - S.H.A.R.P.
DNAproximity Teaches - S.H.A.R.P. Goals/Objectives Take S.H.A.R.P. action to reach goals and objectives. SHARP helps us keep a focus on reaching goals by providing a simple structure to implement SMART. It’s easy to lose sight of even the best-intentioned goals, whether personal or professional. Without a focus on implementation, of making it happen, then regardless of how well a goal has been designed and crafted, it will probably remain only a good intention. So to achieve your SMART goals, take SHARP action. Think: S = Simple : keep your goals as simple as possible and think about the basics of what needs to be done to achieve them. Keep them both as simple and straightforward as possible. H = How : knowing how we are going to do something, helps us to know it’s possible, and that we are able to make it happen. A = Action : the crucial part of achieving any goal is to start to take action, to do things that take you closer to you goal. Remember the longest journey s...